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Two by Two

For about a year or so, the Lord has been putting it on my heart to do this site.

I kept sensing that He wanted me to encourage the body of Christ to gather and

pray. Initially I was thinking in the terms doing battle with the scriptures in

Deuteronomy 32:30 where we see that the Lord will use the strength of one to

put to flight 1000 but two is multiplied to chase 10,000.  We see the follow up

testimony on Joshua 23:10 where Joshua recalls the fact that one had chased a



More recently though, I have found myself centered on the passages in the gospels

where Jesus on two different occasions sent his disciples out two by two.


Obviously, the Lord is establishing a premise on which he can build here.

Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”


So, in the onset if there are at least two together He is also there making three, and we know that "a rope of three cords is not easily broken" Ecclesiastes 4:12.


I want to encourage you dear follower of Christ.  To find a prayer partner.  Gather together in Christ's name and pray upon "the 14's" as listed above. (Hab 2:14; II Chron 7:14)  First of all let us humble ourselves and turn from our own selfishness and confess to Lord, and ask him to heal our Land.  Further, let's ask him to fulfill the promise that the knowledge of his glory will cover the earth as the water covers the seas.


When we enter his presence I encourage you to empty out whatever it is that you may think this looks like and ask Him to show you.  I encourage you to leave your politics, your denominational leanings at the door.  This is basic.  I encourage you to seek Him as child, not as a learned scholar, nor as a seasoned Christian even, but as a child who has the simplest thought of wanting to be with Daddy.

Image by Shaojie

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I'm just a guy.  I'm no Pastor, or Teacher.  I don't have a great following nor do I desire one.  I just see that our world is in desperate need of Jesus.  I see that the Church as a whole has left Its first love and as a result we have become nothing more than another organization with all the same issues and shortcomings as any other organization.  We have exchanged His love and glory for membership and the adoration of men. 

Imagine, if you will how it would be to awaken to a world that is in sync with the Spirit of God.  Let's seek Him for our very being is in Him.

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